With all the recent controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A and their proceeds going to anti-gay organizations we have seen a lot of recipes floating around replicating the classic chicken sandwich minus the hate. These recipes are helping former patrons of the fast-food chain who believe the rights of others are more important than their lunch continue to boycott the restaurant and enjoy the food they have grown to love.
Now, if you're a vegan or vegetarian, or just like to eat more on the healthy side, we know- you were boycotting Chick-Fil-A before it was cool.
Well aside from some the occasional waffle fry or maybe a salad sans cheese and croutons, right?
To be honest, we found out about where Chick-Fil-A sent a portion of its profits about a year ago and haven't eaten there since. Doing so just seemed a lot like masochism, however, we also weren't faced with any cravings for chicken sandwiches (for obvious reasons) so avoiding the drive-thru really didn't bother us.
So here we are, with all these gay-friendly chicken recipes floating around the web for our meat-eating friends of Dorothy... and yet the fact still stands... chickens must die in order to replicate these sandwiches.
It sort of seems a shame not to use this opportunity to share a recipe we have created as a response to all the recent coverage that is not only hate-free, but also creulty-free. In the end, isn't what we're after?
Equality for all? Including chickens?
We came up with this little recipe which can be fried like a classic Chick-Fil-A sandwich or grilled for a more healthful option. The choice is yours!
You will need:
Arrowhead Mills Vital Wheat Gluten Mix (or seitan mix of your choice)
1 jar of sliced dill pickles
For breading you will need:
Dill Pickle Juice
Corn Starch
Canola Oil
Earth Balance
So first, decide if you are going to fry or grill or seitan patties. If you plan on grilling you will only need the first 3 ingredients.
Now, prepare your seitan cutlets by using the directions on the box then molding your cutlets into a slightly assemtrical and thicker shape.
Then set them in a pan of veggie stock and let them simmer for 1 hour. (Or whatever you box directs) Our box of Arrowhead Mills Vital Wheat Gluten made about 6 cutlets of seitan.
Once finished, let them sit on a separate plate and cool for just a few minutes. Now, this is the choose your own adventure portion of our recipe.
Once grilled, heat your bun by wrapping it in tin foil and placing in the preheated oven (probably 250-300 degrees F) for a few minutes.
Optional: coat both sides of bun with Earth Balance before putting in oven. It will make it extra savory.
The assembly is simple. Place sietan cutlet on bun with desired number of dill pickles and then other half of bun.
Enjoy with choice of sauce.
Tip: A pretty tasty mock honey mustard can be made with the right balance of deli mustard, yellow mustard, cider vinegar,Veganaise, salt, pepper, and maple syrup. Give it a whirl sometime.
Now, if you've skipped ahead to page 21 and chosen to prepare your patty the southern-fried way- let's do it!
Heat a skillet with a good amount of canola oil to about medium-high.
While it is heating mix 1 1/2 cups of flour with half a teaspoon of each- salt, pepper, and paprika and place on a flat plate or shallow dish.
In a smaller bowl or dish combine 1/3 jar of dill pickle juice with 3 tbsp of cornstarch and blend well. This stuff will get sticky and thick. Just keep stirring it.
Dip your cutlets in the cornstarch and pickle juice and coat well- then put immediately into the dry flour mix until totally covered.
Place each coated cutlet/patty into your heated canola oil and let cook on both sides until browned. They may come out looking a little grayer than expected, but don't worry- they'll taste just fine. The flour may also start to look a little piecey... again, no worries, it's yummy.
Once cooked throughly, remove from oil and set on paper plates to drain excess greasy stuff.
The assembly is the same. Prepare your buns by spreading Earth Balance on inside and outside then wrapping in tin foil and heating in preheated oven (probably 250-300 degrees F) for a few minutes.
Place seitan patty on bottom bun, followed by desired number of pickles, and then top bun.
For the full experience serve with waffle fries.
We shared this recipe creation with a friend the night we prepared it and not one of us got off the couch for 3 hours after eating. So keep that in mind! It sure was yummy, but next time we're opting for the grilled version!
With peace, love, and compassion-
The Two Vegan Ladies

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