Since going meatless we have been exposed to a wide array of reactions. Some people applaud our choice and express their interest in the lifestyle, but every so often we are met with opposition, and really it is overwhelming how many people become immediately concerned with just one particular thing when we tell them we do not eat animal products. Bacon. We cannot count on fingers and toes how many people stare at us with wide eyes in total disbelief and say "You don't eat BACON???"

This is our princess by the way, Peach. She is a rescue pig who is about to turn 3 years old! She loves the outdoors and playing with the pups and has quite the fan club.
Now, we do understand bacon has a fan club as well. There are quite a few people who will not even try a meat-free diet simply because of this one food item. To them, a bacon-less existence is a deal breaker when it comes to their otherwise loving relationship with vegan and vegetarianism.
We're here to tell you... IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! Together we can work this out.
We present to you Fakin' Bacon!
Neither of us had actually tried Fakin' Bacon until 6 months ago. Like we said, bacon just wasn't a priority. But veg and non-veg friends kept raving about it and one day we decided this was just something we had to give a whirl. So glad we did. This stuff is amazing!
For us, there's nothing like a full day of yard-salin' and gardening with a little break for a good old fashioned BLT, or TLT, to be more accurate. Lightlife's Fakin' Bacon is made from organic tempeh, and man, is it scrumptious. Not to mention so easy to make!
Heat a skillet to medium-medium high with a thin layer of oil and add the desired amount of Fakin' Bacon strips.
Let cook, turning occasionally for 5-10 minutes depending on how cripsy you would like it. (We like it in the middle.)
Once cooked, set on paper towel lined plate to soak off excess oil.
Slice your lettuce and tomato and grab a couple slices of fresh bread. (toasted or not toasted- however you prefer.)
Add some Veganaise to both sides of your bread/toast.
Then just layer your T with you L and your other T and there you go!
A delicious TLT sandwich!
(This is not a bagel by the way, but it sure does look like one. The bread we used that day was fresh from the local vegan market and for some reason there was a huge air pocket in the center which created a hole in the middle slices. Gotta love fresh local bread! It was so soft, fluffy, and delicious.)

This stuff is so magnificent you'll crave it. When someone says the words "Fakin' Bacon" in your presence your eyes will widen and you'll be trying to calculate the distance to your nearest local vegan market or Whole Foods just so you can get some in your mouth as soon as possible. In a way I suppose it does exactly what bacon does to people... so there you go bacon lovers- make the switch- this TLT is for you!
With peace, love, and compassion-
The Two Vegan Ladies

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