This is Kitty Katniss. She is a little kitty who belongs to a friend of ours and she has been shacking up with us for a few days while her Mommy is away. She's a very adventurous little kitty. The type that will chase a shampoo cap in an empty bathtub for hours and paw at a 9 year old dog's tail in hopes of making friends.
Her name is very fitting because like the character she is named after from The Hunger Games she is brave and her beautiful coat makes her look like a girl on fire.
For those of you who have not read The Hunger Games that phrase "girl on fire" is referenced a lot because of an outfit Katniss wears in the books. The clothing is designed by her stylist Cinna (played by Lenny Kravitz in the upcoming film adaptation) and the fabric is so radiant and bright it makes her appear as if she is on fire. I don't think there is another breed of cat which fits that description better than a tortoise shell like Katniss. Her yellows and oranges are so brilliant- she really does embody the essence of fire. Not to mention those intense amber eyes. Her mother has named her well.
Kitty Katniss's mother, by the way, is a very important person to both of us. Not only was she the first person to suggest we read The Hunger Games but she was also one of the two ladies who first introduced us to the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle. We were very lucky the universe found a way to make our paths cross. She has been quite an influence on our lives.
Now, really we're not the type of people who read books like this, but we trusted our friend's opinion. Brandy typically reads authors like Chuck Palahniuk and Jenna usually goes with dance magazines, but we both agree The Hunger Games is probably the best series either of us have read in a very long time. We hear these books are written for young adults but just about everyone in our group of adult friends has read them and raves about them. There's 3 books in the series- The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay- and they are just so compelling. We actually read the last few chapters of the last book, Mockingjay, aloud while on the way back from a road trip (seriously, who needs audiobooks?!) and we were both laughing and balling our eyes out the whole time. Experiencing the ending together was so emotional.
Don't listen to what you hear about the "love triangle" and all that stuff. That sub plot is an interesting addition, but there is really so much more to these books than the love driven b-story. Suzanne Collins has an interesting way of telling a story. She has created a world of the future which is not an impossible political outcome for our current society. My point is, regardless of your age... read these books. Before the movies comes out if possible. That's really not far fetched. Once you pick them up, you won't be able to put them down.
Now, if we haven't sold you on the books already then at least commit to seeing the film. Although we really highly suggest the books before the film. The countdown has begun for the first movie to be released. It looks fantastic. It's really hard to say at this point whether or not the adaptation will do the book justice, but so far it does look promising. It has quite a cast and it seems as if they were given a nice budget.
If you are yet to see the trailer here's some of them:
So anyway, little Kitty Katniss is going back with her mother today, but it was really nice to have her visiting with us. Our two girls gave her a hard time for the first couple days but the odds were in her favor and she did survive The 74th Annual Hunger Games.
If you've already read The Hunger Games share your favorite parts/opinions/expectations for the movie with us. If not, read the books! See the movie! And after if comes out tell us what you thought of it.
With love, peace, and compassion-
The Two Vegan Ladies

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